As a 400-year-old teenage ninja, Recca Hanabishi has recently vowed to protect the life of a pretty classmate named Yanagi Sakoshita. With the power of flame at his command, the hottest shinobi is not shy about roasting a punk (or two) over a roasting fire.
But now, a battle-weary Recca finds himself grappling with someone known as "The Invincible One." As he looks down the barrel of the Evil God Cannon, our hero begins to wonder: How do you defeat an indestructible enemy with an arsenal of human souls at his command?
FLAME OF RECCA [COPYRIGHT]1995 Nobuyuki Anzai/Shogakukan, Inc.
Department | Books / Manga |
Publisher | Viz |
Series | Flame of Recca |
Shop | Manga & Anime |
Primary language | English |
Product Code | ARCHO-52767 |