The manga and anime, from Studio Trigger, creators of Kill La Kill, that blew minds and slayed ninjas!In the cyberpunk metropolis of Neo Saitama, Kenji Fujikido is an average salaryman whose wife and children are suddenly assassinated. Tracking the murder back to a ninja, Fujikido trains to seek vengeance: initially on those who murdered his family, but ultimately on every ninja on the planet.Series Overview: More than a thousand years ago, ninjas belonging to the Soukai Syndicate committed a forbidden form of hara-kiri, and stored their souls in the ancient Kinkaku Temple. Now, in the dystopia metropolis of Neo-Saitama, these sinister souls have been resurrected, and wreak havoc across Japan. Average salaryman Kenji Fukijido’s wife and children are killed in ninja crossfire. After a near brush with his own death, Kenji becomes the Ninja Slayer—a warrior obsessed with killing every last ninja to avenge his family.
Department | Books / Manga |
Publisher | Kodansha Comics |
Series | Ninja Slayer |
Shop | Manga & Anime |
Primary language | English |
Product Code | ARCHO2-248861 |