Based on the light novel that spawned multiple manga series and a popular anime currently streaming on Crunchyroll!
Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon - The Complete Missions is a two-in-one manga omnibus collection. Following a team of elite soldiers being trained to combat the growing threat of magic-wielding witches, Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon is an action-packed story that has inspired multiple books and animated adaptations. Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon - The Complete Missions contains both original manga volumes, telling the story of Anti-Magic Academy with Youhei Yasumura’s vibrant and intense artwork. Our world is quickly being overrun by witches, and conventional methods of swords and shields is no longer having an effect on their ever-increasing magical skills. The Anti-Magic Academy decides it’s time for a more modern approach, and now a new elite team is being trained to wield powerful guns against the growing supernatural threat.
Department | Books / Manga |
Publisher | Seven Seas |
Shop | Manga & Anime |
Primary language | English |
Product Code | ARCHO2-220688 |