In the cyberpunk metropolis of Neo Saitama, Kenji Fujikido is an average salaryman whose wife and children are suddenly assassinated. Tracking the murder back to a ninja, Fujikido trains to seek vengeance – initially on those who murdered his family, but ultimately on every ninja on the planet.Series Overview: More than a thousand years ago, ninjas belonging to the Soukai Syndicate committed a forbidden form of hara-kiri, and stored their souls in the ancient Kinkaku Temple. Now, in the dystopia metropolis of Neo-Saitama, these sinister souls have been resurrected, and wreak havoc across Japan. Average salaryman Kenji Fukijido’s wife and children are killed in ninja crossfire. After a near brush with his own death, Kenji becomes the Ninja Slayer—a warrior obsessed with killing every last ninja to avenge his family.
Department | Books / Manga |
Publisher | Kodansha Comics |
Series | Ninja Slayer |
Shop | Manga & Anime |
Primary language | English |
Product Code | ARCHO-153190 |