Sherlock Bones ≫ Sherlock Bones Manga Vol. 5
Sherlock Bones Manga Vol.   5

Sherlock Bones Manga Vol. 5

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LOOKS THAT KILL Takeru and Sherdog have once again found themselves in the midst of a mystery! This time, the prime suspect is the beautiful Mayor Takasugi, and with her iron-clad alibi, it looks like she has brains to match her looks. How will they solve the case to reveal the murderous devil that lies behind the angelic face of London’s mayor?Series Overview: Sherlock Holmes, reincarnated as a dog (Sherlock Bones), tackles solving inexplicable crimes with his faithful owner/partner Takeru (whom Holmes believes is actually Watson).

Product details
Department Books / Manga
Publisher Kodansha Comics
Series Sherlock Bones
Shop Manga & Anime
Primary language English
Product Code ARCHO-96711
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