Redakai ≫ Redakai Manga Vol. 1
Redakai Manga Vol.   1

Redakai Manga Vol. 1

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Conquer the Kairu!
In the hands of good, kairu is a living force that guides the universe. But in the hands of evil, kairu is the most destructive power in the world. Those who can harness it can eventually obtain the highest rank of kairu warrior, a Redakai! Ky, Maya and Boomer are Team Stax. Together they plan to conquer the kairu! Ky, Maya and Boomer investigate a mysterious source of kairu and land smack in the middle of an alien invasion! But not everything is always as it seems. Is it really all up to Team Stax to save Earth from the Gilfreem? Plus, a bonus story, “Home, Kairu, Home.” There’s trouble on Boomer’s family farm. Is a rival team stealing animals to extract kairu energy?! Reads L to R (Western Style) for all ages.

Product details
Department Books / Manga
Publisher Viz
Series Redakai
Shop Manga & Anime
Primary language English
Product Code ARCHO-89509
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